Kartini is considered a pioneer in the emancipation struggle of Indonesia.
and last name dihubung-connect with the word feminism.

What terlanjur sticky figure Kartini was the only
part of the process of nervous life. Kartini end of the process is not much
revealed. Thought at the beginning of the process that terlanjur rough
be expressed so that the tacky name. In fact, towards the end
hayatnya, Thought kartini have been many changes

Kartini Preview

I can disalahkan I have people who think Kartini
fight for emancipation, break in tradition, and berkiblat to the West,
and scrutinize Islam. Initially, Kartini emang so. This is
example suratnya-mail:

"... The most habits mimic well-connected, well-connected
it mimics the act of the higher also, he European people "
[Letter to Stella, 25 May 1899]

"I want to continue education to Holland, because Holland will
I better prepare for the big task that I have chosen. "
[Letter to the Ny Ovinksoer, 1900]

Kartini No wonder I have such thoughts. What more? Temen
correspondence Kartini is most people who want west
westernize notables in Indonesia, where the goal is finally
so that they do not fight against the government Indies
Netherlands time on it. Let's see friends korespodensi
Kartini. who are they ..?.

1. J.H. Abendon

Abendon Netherlands as assigned by the Director of Education Deptemen,
Religion, and Crafts. Abendon many seek advice from Snouck
Hurgronye (orientalis is a quasi-Islamic to seek entry
how to kill the spirit of Islamic jihad in Indonesia). According to
Hurgronye, among the most hard against the Dutch colonists
is the Muslims. Entering the community in the West
Indigenous is the most telling way to overcome the influence of Islam.
Westernize people may not, unless ningratnya has
dibaratkan. For that purpose, the first step must be taken
is particularly close to the gentleman who profess Islam
for then dibaratkan. And Hurgronye to suggest Abendanon
Kartini approach.

2. Stella (Estelle Zeehandelaar)

A Jewish woman, a member of militant feminist movement in the country
Netherlands at that time.

3. Nellie Van Kol (Kol Ny. Van)

He is an author who has the humanist and
progressive. He is the person most involved in mendangkalkan Aqidah
Kartini. Initially, he wanted to with your memurtadkan
as if his arrival as a helper lift the Kartini
from ketidakpeduliannya against religion.


In addition to factors friend bad, the Muslims around the Kartini also
have a wrong understanding of Islam. They teach Islam
without the hang of what is taught. we try to see a letter kartini
stella the following.

"How can I love my religion if I do not understand and
can not understand it. The Qur'an is sacred, should not be
translated into any language. Here there is no understanding
Arabic language. People here learn to read the Qur'an but not
understand what dibacanya. Kupikir, gilakah working people, people
taught to read but not understand what dibacanya. "[letter to the
Stella, 6 Nov 1899]

Keep in mind at the time of Dutch Muslims
are allowed to teach the Koran to the terms of a
diterjemahin alias free learning arab read the letter (this effect is still
we can see at this time, where learning is considered Al-quran finished
when it has been able to read al-quran smoothly until the end of
not even understand its meaning-khataman-). And this is indeed tactics
netherlands so that the people of Indonesia do not understand al-quran and
eventually they will not lift the arms to the colonists disbelieve

When a visit to your uncle's house, a Regent
Demak. When the study is underway for a special monthly
family members. Kartini research involved listening to women with
others from behind the curtain. Kartini attracted to the material you are
given, Tafsir Al-Fatihah, by Kyai Saleh Darat. Once completed
theory, so your urgent uncle are willing to menemaninya
Kyai Sholeh meet Land.

Kartini told that during the time that new life he had
understand the significance and meaning of Al-Fatihah, the contents so beautiful
throb. Then, at the request of Kartini, Kyai Sholeh
required to translate the Qur'an in the Java language in a book
entitled Faidhur Fit Tafsiril Rahman Quran that the first volume consists
13's section of the Koran, surat Al-Fatihah start a letter to Abraham. Book it
dihadiahkan to the time he Kartini (Kartini) married to R. M.
Joyodiningrat, Regent Rembang.

Kyai Sholeh died when the new book to translate the first.
However, your case is enough to open your mind in
to Islam.

I know? Actual expression Terbitlah Habis Terang the Dark
actually find in your letter of Al-Baqarah verse 257, that is
God says "... minazh-zhulumaati ilan-nuur" which means "from
darkness-darkness (kekufuran) to light (Islam). "By Kartini
disclosed in the Dutch "Door Duisternis Tot Licht". and
Armien pane and then by translating a collection of letters
Kartini disclosed to "Exhausted Terbitlah Dark Light"

Kartini THEN

Kartini know that islam is changed. Views of the
Islam to be positive.

"Moga-initiative we obtain mercy, can work to make the religion other
Islam should look distasteful "[letter to the Ny. Van Kol, 21
July 1902].

Kartini and then formulate a sense the importance of education for women,
not compete for the men, as believed by
combatant feminism and emancipation at this time (actually more suitable
referred to as westernisasi), but for women more adept
run its obligations as a mother. Kartini suratnya in writing:

"We are here seeking grown children's education and teaching
women, not for you because we want children
women into male rivals in the struggle of his life.
But because we believe they are huge for women,
that women perform their duties more proficient, the obligation
themselves to be natural in the hand: a mother, educator
human first. "[To Prof.. And Mrs. Anton, Oct 4

And not only that, his view of the West is changing. Kartini writing;

"And I said, There is no God except Allah. We say
that we believe in Allah and we still believe
Him. We want to serve God and not to humans.
If we have the people and glorify God is not "[leave
Ny. Abendanon, 12 Oct 1902]

"It is through the time, was that we the people of Europe
really only the most good, there is no world. Sorry
us, but whether their own mother considers the people of Europe
perfect? Can the mother denies that behind the beautiful things in
the mother, there are many things that is inappropriate
referred to as a civilization? "[letter to the Ny. Abendanon, 27 Oct 1902]

Kartini died in young age 25 yr, four days
after birth to her son. He was not learning more in Islam.
however unfortunate that most people know your mother
only a combatant women emancipation. Many people who do
find your way out of Islam and the change pattern pikirnya.

Smoga this paper can arouse us to know more about
IBU KITA Kartini, rather than annual commemoration without meaning.
(r disadur Nanang's magazine Elfata)

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