Kami poetra-poetri Indonesia mengakoe bertumpah darah jang satoe,tanah air Indonesia... Kami poetra-poetri Indonesia mengakoe berbangsa jang...
Internet acces seperti warnet, cybercafe, hotspot ataupun dial up di rumah, sudah menjamur dilingkungan masyarakat kita. mulai dari anak-ana...
Sebagai seorang blogger sudah sepantasnya saya hari ini, 27 oktober 2010 ngeblog untuk merayakan hari blogger nasional. meski semangat untuk...
Beberapa hari ini saya dipusingkan dengan email-email yang terus masuk kedalam inbox saya, dari sebuah milis yang baru saya ikuti. Memang ju...
Brushing the wrong way can cause teeth to become sensitive. To obtain the results of oral hygiene is optimal, note also the correct way of b...
Dibangun dengan rasa penghormatan yang tinggi dan memakan waktu yang cukup lama, 7 monumen dibawah ini dirasa akan menambah wawasan kita s...
Nowadays Many high-tech goods are used to help complete the task and as a communication tool mainstay of many people. Such as laptops and ce...
asalmu'alikum netter.. hari ni tadi habis da pelatihan sama Mas Pras di PUSKOM, tentang FreeBSD, yang rencananya mau bikin mailserver......
Here are six super foods that can help us lock our mouth from our mistakes to overeat and guaranteed fast filling. 1. Apple One medium apple...
Eggs are one type of 'super foods' with balanced nutritional content to improve the health of the body. Studies Journal of Nutritio...
Eggs are one type of 'super foods' with balanced nutritional content to improve the health of the body. Studies Journal of Nutritio...
The Codex Atlanticus (Wikipedia) Leonardo Da vinci merancang banyak senjata termasuk crossbows raksasa, mesin senjata , menara pengepungan,...
Most of us tend to forget trivial things that would be useful if we set aside time for a while before we go to bed at night. For example, su...
dishonest by couples did things that hurt. It could even lead to a trigger stranded your household. If my husband recently started rarely to...
Konosemen tidak hanya merupakan tanda bukti penerimaan barang-barang dari pengirim kepada pengangkut. Konosemen salah satu surat berharga ...
When trapped in the busyness of everyday life, stress will come easy. Do not let stress prevent you from completing the job. To reduce or el...
Saat aku masih kecil, aku pngen bnget jadi orang dewasa. Karena kalo udah dewasa, bonyok gak akan ngatur2 lagi, mao minum air dingin sebnyak...
buat agan-agan semua... sering buka youtube kan?? dan bosen nunggu buffering videonya? sekarang kita tidak perlu bosen lagi cos ternyata ad...
How big is your understanding of the brain? Of course, all agree that the brain is the central coordination, intelligence and a place to sto...