For Prospective Husband ...
If God allowed us to meet someday ...
If God will make our wedding destiny ...

And if then the moment we live together, then look side is wrong with me, may Allah mengkaruniakanmu ability to see my good side. It was God Almighty that unite and unify our hearts says, "And they pergaulilah (wife) well. Then if you do not like them, (the patient) because maybe you do not like something, but God made him that much good. "[Qur'an: An Nisa '19]. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was instructed that we love, "someone perfect faith believers are those who are good moral, and the best (interaction) with their wives." If you see flaws in myself, remember his message again, Do not hate a believer (male) on the believing women (woman) if he does not like a certain behavior there are also other behavior that he likes. (Narrated by Muslim)

Do you realize that no human being in this world is perfect everything? Did not you know that the only Alllah the Most Perfect. not less wise when you're only counting the lack of your life partner? Thou shalt always looking for fault, and I've been faithful to thee.

When I would go with you, I left my parents and relatives and sisters, I want my heart and thou shalt fill the void. Naungilah me with affection and a smile from you. I also remember when I hesitate to choose whom my companion, who looked in keseharianmu piety is a fascinating myself. Did not Prophet Companions' alaihi wa sallam, Ali ibn Abi Tholib when asked by a, "Verily, I have a daughter, with whom should I marry her?" Ali ra replied, "Kawinkanlah him with the cautious man to God, because if the man was loved and he will glorify it, and if he does not like it then he will not menzaliminya." I hope thou art man, duhai future husband.

When there is a mistake that I deliberately did not do, maybe then you crave me as a wife without any flaws and weaknesses. Fix deficiencies me gently, do not be rude to me. Did not the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has taught you, when Muawiah bin Ubaidah asked him about the responsibilities of husband against wife, beliaupun replied, "She gave him food when he ate, and gave her clothes when she was dressed." Thou shalt not hard on me, because Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never do any rude to his wives.

Candidate Duhai My husband ...
Do you know the grace that you will receive from Allah in the Hereafter? Do you know all the replies will be awarded to the prevailing husbands good to their wives? Think about that, "Those who do justly, later in the day of Judgement will be enthroned on a throne made of light. They are the ones that apply just as punishing, and fair to their wives and those who became his responsibilities. "[Reported by Muslim]. Later prayed that thou hast one who occupies the throne, and I was the empress in your house.

If you have time preach myself with the knowledge that God has given you. If you are busy, so allow me to study, but will not forget tanggungjawabku, so someday I can be a school for the sons and daughter. Is not a mother is the first science madrasa for her sons and daughters? May you always be there for me in educating our children and obedient to God.

Yes Allah,
You witness the bond is the heart of this ...
Thou who has set me down on this guy
Make love with my future husband on this as an addition to my strength to love You.
However, I beg you all, keep it in order not to exceed my love my love unto Thee,
so I did not fall in love with the pseudo gap,
keep my heart to him so as not to turn on your heart. If he missed,
miss make a martyr in your way more than he missed his yearning to me,
Also made of me not to forget the longing for heaven thy longing.
When my love for him has overcome my love for Thee,
remind myself, do not you let me limping then clawed tergapai embrace your love.

Yes Allah,
You know that this has been carefully assembled in love with you,
have been met in obedience to You,
been united in preaching to you,
Shari'a has been fused in defending you.
O God Kokohkanlah knots. Kekalkanlah love.
Show the streets. Carefully fill it with Thy nur not ever fade.
Chest-chest Lapangkanlah us with an abundance of faith in you and put their trust in the beauty of Your ways.

Amin ya rabbal 'alamin.

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